Chattahoochee Crane Co. offers crane rental services to the various industries in the Metro Atlanta area; to include, Arboriculture, Mechanical, Construction, Entertainment, Communications, and Industrial.
Only NCCCO operators are employed for crane operation and ALL of our cranes are inspected and certified yearly by a third party inspector. In addition to these basic steps for safety and compliance measures your Chattahoochee Crane comes with radio remote headsets. These radios make all job-sites safer and reduce mis-communication problems which all too often are a factor in accidents!
Safety is number one at Chattahoochee Crane but we also understand the importance of customer service. Our commitment to our customers is to deal with them honestly and openly, to honor our commitments, and to adhere to a strong code of ethics. For us ethics is a way of doing business, not an afterthought or a form that you sign.
Chattahoochee Crane serves metro Atlanta and specializes in urban setups. The can-do attitude of our operators is evident when your faced with traffic, road closures, difficult setups, and the like. When it comes to tight turns and critical lifts we’ve got the experience and the equipment to help your project come in on time and under budget. We also can offer turn-key project proposals and can easily handle a lift that involves street closures, police detail, and other compliance measures and can complete all of the details in house which brings your cost down. Contact us if you’ve got a lifting project and want us to handle the logistics side of the lift as well as provide the crane.
Chattahoochee Crane CO.
Ph. 404-799-5472
Fax: 404-799-8661
Office Location:
2158 Bolton Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30318